Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scrambled Egg with Sausages & Tomatoes

Scramble Egg1

For those who have been follow my blog I would like to apologise for keep you all waiting for my updates. I have been busy for the pass few weeks. My son finally finished his UPSR - phew!!!, now I will have more time to try out some recipes and sharing my cooking with all of you.

My internet connection have been slow and sometimes I can't be connected at all which cause me a lot of patient when I tried to upload the pictures or updating my BLOG! I don't know what happen to Wimax? When I first sign up, the connection are fast but now, they always have the connection problems.

I've never stopped cooking and baking but just no time to update my BLOG. I will slowly update it. When the lazy bugs attacked me, I will just prepare simple dishes for my kids. One of it is this simple and easy egg dishes - Scrambled Egg with Chinese Sausages & Tomatoes.

Scramble Egg1


4 Eggs
1 Chinese Sausage (skinned and slice)
1 Tomatoes (cut into wedges)
2-3 Garlic (skinned and slice)
some green onion (wash and cut into 1/2cm)
some light soy sauce to taste

Beat eggs with:
2 tbsp milk
some pepper
some salt to taste
some sugar (optional)



  • Heat the pan with some oil, add in garlic and stir-fry till fragrant and golden in colour.
  • Scope out the garlic slices *my kids don't take this. Add in sausage slices and stir-fry it till fragrant and its oil dish out from the sausage. Lower the fire, add in sliced tomatoes and cook till the tomatoes turn soft. Add some light soy sauce to taste (*this is well depended to our own taste preference)
  • Add a little more oil if you found it's too dry, higher the heat and pour in beaten egg. Let the eggs cook for a while before using the spatula to flip it and cut the egg into smaller pieces till the egg are dry and wholly cooked. Lastly, stir in the green onion.
  • Dish up and serve warm as breakfast or side dishes.




  1. Hi,
    Finally you're back! Eagles to see more updates :D

  2. mmm.this is a recipe I am familiar with..

  3. I think i'm a bad mum, I did not pay so much of attention to my daughter's UPSR...You are great mum and glad to see you back in blogging.

  4. Egg + Chinese Sausage = super sedap!
