Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stir-Fried Jicama/Yam Bean


Do you believe it??? I just learn a new word, I just got to know this "sengkuang" is known as Jicama or Yam Bean in English. Each time when there is any big family gathering like Chinese New Year Eve & etc.., my mother will cook this stir-fried jicama/yam bean dish for us. This is one of her signature dishes and we all love it so... much! This yummy Jicama dish can be eaten with rice or eaten wrapped in fresh lettuce. We can use it as the fillings for popiah but I will mix in the shredded eggs before we deep fried it. You can try this, it's yummy!! It taste even better overnight, yum...yum... !! There is many ways to stir-fried this Jicama and I just follow my mother's way. However, my mother in-law she have the different way cooking it.


Stir-Fried Jicama/Yam Bean Recipe

Ingredients needed:

600g -1 medium size Jicama/Yam Bean (shredded)
1 Carrot (shredded)
300g cabbage (shredded)
5 chinese black mushroom (soaked until soft and shredded)
300g medium size prawn (shelled) /dried shirmp (chopped) &
pork belly (slice thinly)
50g shredded dried cuttlefish (soak till soft & drained)
5 cloves garlic (chopped finely)
4 tbsp cooking oil
some spring onion & fried shallot - garnishing

1 1/2 tbsp minced fermented bean paste
*(this is well depend to the brand used, just adjust the amount to your preference taste)
2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp pepper

some salt and sugar to taste - optional*


  • Heat up oil, saute garlic until fragrant. Add in shredded pork belly, prawns/dried shrimp, mushrooms and stir-fry until aromatic.
  • Add in the remaining ingredients (*except dried cuttlefish) and stir-fry until well mixed
  • Add seasoning and continue to fry until well mixed. Cover and simmer till jicama turn soft and water starts to dish out *add in some water, 100ml and cont' cook if the jicama didn't dish out much water. Continue to cook till it is dry. Add some salt or sugar to taste *( I omit the sugar in this dish as I found it's already sweet to my taste)
  • Stir in shredded dried cuttlefish and mixed well.
  • Lastly, add in the spring onion and stir to mix.
  • Dish up, sprinkle fried shallot on top and serve warm.

p/s: *Due to no stock in hand and I was lazy out to market, I cook this dish with prawns and without the dried cuttlefish. For the better flavour, use pork belly and dried shrimp, don't forget the dried cuttlefish ya!!*

Jicama/Yam Bean is a must in this dish. Other ingredients like cabbage and mushrooms are optional.