Monday, October 19, 2009

Red Bean Swirl Bun

Red Bean Swirl Bun

I love everything with Red Bean. This time I try skill to make this Red Bean Swirl Buns. I use the homemade red bean paste I bought from a shop here. The bean paste sold by them are just great. It's not too sweet and without preservatives. I have to freeze it in my freezer and defrost it when I'm going to use it. By looking at my buns, I think I still need a lot of practice to shape the perfect looking buns.

Red Bean Swirl Bun3

Actually it's not that hard to make this swirl pattern. All we need is PRACTICE. The more we practice the better we'll become. Practice makes perfect right? Although the buns are not very pretty but it's soft and fluffy. It's like the one sold in bakery and remains soft for few days. Not too bad right? ^ ^

Red Bean Swirl Bun4

I made half of the dough into this Red Bean Swirl Buns and the other half I topped it with shredded Cheddar Cheese + Raw Sugar. Both buns are nice and yummy. Click HERE to see my Cheddar Cheese Buns.

Read Bean Swirl Bun2


150ml Water + Egg (1 egg & add water until it's 150ml)
100ml Fresh Milk (I use Dutch Lady Full Cream Milk)
320gm High Protein Flour (Bread Flour)
80gm Plain Flour
90gm Castor Sugar
1 tsp Salt
2 tsp Instant Yeast
50gm Butter (softened)
Some roasted sesame seeds (for sprinkle on top)
Egg yolk + Milk (for brushing before baking)


Red Bean Paste

Please refer HERE for the method of kneading the dough.

To assemble the buns:

  • Weight 50gm dough balls. Roll it into 2"x5" rectangular shape.
  • Roll the bean paste into 1cm diameter long strip and place it at the center of the dough.
  • Fold the dough up and roll it again to flatten it.
  • Use a sharp knife and cut a long the dough 2 lines.
  • Lift up the dough and swirl it for few times before shape it round. Place the dough into paper liner.
  • Let the dough proof at warm place for 20-25 mins.
  • Brush the surface with the egg yolk + milk mixture before sprinkle it with some sesame seeds.
  • Bake in preheated oven at 180c for 12-15 mins or until it is brown in colour.



  1. I like red bean, your red bean swirl bun is really mouthwatering..^_^

  2. Buns! Buns are cool! I like these buns you made! I would like to order some please!

  3. You have nicely done the shape, are you making your own red bean paste?

  4. my saliva want to drop already. yummy!
    your children are really lucky to have you as their mom!

  5. Tom is out of country for 2 weeks.., I am not going to bake or cook anything fancy..:-p, seize the chance to on diet for my photo shooting :-)

  6. hi Amy.. my girl loves anything with red bean.. i think, i think i will try out these one day.. how i wish u r staying near to me.. or me near you.. :))

  7. Nice buns...mine always turn out too hard! LOL!

  8. Rachel: Thank you ^_^

    Colin Woon: LOL ~ Still learning stage. Ya, have you got your breadmaker?

    Sonia: I'm so sorry so such a late reply. I use the ready made homemade red bean paste I bought from someone else. It's more convinient for me as I was too busy to make my own paste. Since maid go home, I'm just no time for that.

    Pauline Yap: Thank you!

    Wendy: Ya, diet first then after photoshoot can con't cook, bake and EAT liao

    Claire: Ya, I also wish to have a neighbour like you. Come move to Alor Star la..hehee

    Pete: Thank you.
