Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cool & Refreshing Guava Fruit

Yummy Guava Fruit1

I bought some Guava fruit from the market today. I like the seedless Guava and eat them with the preserved plum and some chilli powder. Some of my friends told me, before eating the Guava fruit we must soak it in salt water for a longer time to get rid of the pesticide sprayed on it. Wash few times to make sure it is clean before we unskinned and slice it.

Yummy Guava Fruit2

My model of the day. Please meet this 2 lovely Guava!!! hehe

Yummy Guava Fruit3

Seedless Guava eaten with this seedless preserved plum are just GREAT.

Yummy Guava Fruit4

To prepare this simple and yummy Guava Fruit, we need:

1 medium size seedless Guava (cut into thin slices)

4-5 seedless preserved Plum (cut it into thin stripes)

1/2 tsp chilli powder


Wash and slice the guava. Drain and place it in a big bowl.
Add in the plum stripes and chilli powder.
Stir to mix thoroughly. Transfer it to a smaller clean bowl.
Chill it in the fridge for 20 - 30 minutes before serving.

Yummy Guava Fruit5

This is a real addictive snack. Once we eat this, we cannot stop it!! Try it out!



  1. we eat this with sour plum powder but guava is $10/kg atm :(

  2. Oooh! I am salivating as I am looking at the pics! Yum!

  3. Oh my God...those preserved plums are killing me....that looks sooo good! :))))

  4. look at this, my air liur sudah come out liao..this look so good.

  5. i usually eat the guava with sour plum powder too, but i'll give the sour plum a try someday. Yes, it's indeed addictive especially when it's cold, and you know, when i see the photos that you took, my saliva drops, hehe.
