Monday, November 2, 2009

My Kid's Favourite Buns...

Sausage Bun Again1

My kids have been bugging me again and again to bake them their favourite sausage buns. I was in rush to go out and just roll it up this simple way. The most common way we can always seen in the bakery. The recipe I use yield 10-12 sausage buns, they each ate one right after the pictures was taken and keep each for breakfast tomorrow morning. My elder daughter she will bring the bun to school and just drink a cup of Milo as her breakfast. She can't eat much early morning just like me.

Sausage Bun Again2

Sausage Buns Recipe - (recipe using breadmaker)


150ml Water + Egg (1 egg & add water till it reach 150ml)
100ml Fresh Milk (I use Dutch Lady Full Cream Milk)
320gm High Protein Flour (Bread Flour)
80gm Plain Flour
90gm Castor Sugar
1 tsp Salt
2 tsp Instant Yeast
50gm Butter (softened to room temperature)
8 piece of Sausage (I prefer Ayamas brand)

Some roasted sesame seeds (optional)
egg yolk + milk (for brushing before baking)


  • Put all the liquid ingredients into breadmaker pan.
  • Add in the high protein & plain flour.
  • At the center of the flour mixture, dig a small well (*not too deep) & place the yeast and cover it up.
  • Add in sugar at the center and salt on it side.
  • Select "DOUGH" function on the breadmaker and press "START" to start kneading.
  • After about 5 mins of kneading, add in the softened butter cubes. Let it continue to knead for 20mins or till the dough are elastic.
  • Let the dough proof either in the breadmaker or in a greased big mixing bowl for up to 1 1/2hrs.
  • Punch to release the gas capture in the dough. Cut into smaller pieces.
  • Flatten the dough before place the sausage and roll up it up.
  • Rest the buns for further 15-20mins at warm place. Cover it up with cling wrap or place them in the air-tight container to prevent it dries up. The buns shall doubled up it's size.
  • Brush it with egg+milk mixture & sprinkle some sesame seeds on the surface before bake it in preheated oven for 10-15mins at 180c*