Friday, December 4, 2009

Miss Me ?

I know, I've abandoned my blog for quite a long time. I wonder and I'm curious to know that how many of you notice my dissapperance. Anyone of you start to miss me?? lol ~ ~

I've safely reached Hanoi on 24th Nov with my three kids for a long holiday here. I don't think I can share with all of you my cooking recipe for the time being but, I will try to update my blog with some interesting things, food or places that I have come through in Hanoi.

Please come back for my Hanoi trip post okay? and..., I really miss cooking and baking now!!



  1. dear...take your time!! We will always support you! Have fun there! :-)

  2. of course u have been missed! i was about to call the police.
    glad u had a wonderful holiday n bet u r back with even more wonderful ideas!!

  3. of course, I miss you, looking forward for your Hanoi update, I already marked this place for my next trip.

  4. tintin,I miss u so much lah! can't see u at ur blog,MSN also not i go to ur facebook loh...also can't meet u ...ahh..don't forgot ur friend mah!

  5. yes...sure miss u lo..but lately i m busy too! start to help up at my brother's office n rushing to send my boy go tuition at the same time. i didnt update my blog for few weeks too!

  6. Oh yes! Have been wondering where you've been lately! Now that I know ... Do keep us posted on your where-about yea?


  7. of course i miss you!!!! sob sob... crying now.. lol...

    ya have a safe trip there and show us nice nice food when you back. love you and miss you! muacks... take care

  8. Yeah, where have you been?! No delicious looking food photos to share?! Hehehe...

  9. Miss you much! I thought I replied to this post earlier but when I came back to check, my comment didn't reach you. Have a great holiday! Miss you and your great recipes.. Do tell me about your holiday okay :)

  10. Happy New Year and Wishing All The Best In The Coming Year.
