Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nutella Cup Cakes

Nutella Cupcakes2

A quick bake for my kids and they loved it!!

Nutella cake1

Nothing will go wrong with Nutella. It's simply yummy on anything. If you are a chocolate lover ~ make sure you didn't miss this Nutella Cup Cakes. I have baked it many times and will repeat to bake it again and again in future.

Please refer HERE for the recipes. Do give it a TRY!! Cheerz~

Important Notes: ***I reduced 1-2 table spoon of sugar in the recipe as I found it's too sweet to my taste buds, the nutella itself are already sweet. I only add 1/2 teaspoon of Nutella chocolate spread on each cupcakes, don't add too much or it'll be too sweet and for those who don't like the buttery taste on cakes just substitute the butter with the same amount of margarine. HAPPY TRYING!! ***



  1. looking pretty good there. I want to try making nutella cupcakes too =) Ill be waiting patiently for your recipe~!

  2. I love these cupcakes! Well, I love Nutella so it's no surprise :)

  3. Hi TINTIN,
    Please check my blog, there's something for you.

  4. Nutella cupcakes?! Both of them my fav...brilliant! I like!

  5. why I missed this post? Luckily I just saw it. ya, will definitely bake for my kids, they love chocolate. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  6. Tracie: Ya, you must try this. Do reduce some sugar as I find it a bit to the sweet side.
    ChichaJo: Ya, those who love chocolate will definitely love this.
    Anncoo: Thanks for the award!
    Colin: Thanks!! My kids love it:)
    Sonia: Ya, bake this for the kids..they'll love it.

  7. Hi TinTin,
    I try out this recipe yesterday, but i would say i failed. I am so sad, and would like to ask for your advice. How come, the texture of the cupcake turn out tough, not soft or moist.
    I substitute the 200g AP flour to 200g cake flour, does it pose any problem? Well, i just go thr your butter raisin muffin, and found that u are using the same recipe.
    Or, does it the way i stir the flour all at once?
    Please help....:(

  8. Pink Lady: I'm sorry to hear that you failed baking the cupcakes. It's ok to substitute the AP flour with cake flour for better texture. When fold in flour don't do it at one time, fold in spoon by spoon slowly till the flour are finished. I use the same recipe for my raisin muffins and just substitute the nutella with raisins. So far, this recipe I have repeatedly for many times and I never experienced any tough or dry texture cake. Try again!
